The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the VOUGIOUKLAKIO Clinic operates as a versatile ICU, has seven (7) beds and is staffed by highly trained human resources and the necessary modern technical equipment.
Physiotherapy Support
The possibility of specialized physiotherapy support is provided to hospitalized patients.
Clinic: In the ICU, patients who need intensive treatment, close monitoring and/or support of their vital functions are admitted and treated, coming from the clinic and from the ED.
Throughout the 24 hours, it is possible to apply the following techniques:
- Tracheal intubation
- Implementation of Invasive and Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
- Catheterization of arteries, central veins and the pulmonary artery
- Placement and maintenance of a temporary transvenous cardiac pacemaker
- Cardiorespiratory resuscitation
- Drainage of pleural cavities
- Cricothyroidotomy
- Percutaneous tracheostomy
- Extrarenal clearance
- Electrocardiogram and continuous monitoring of vital functions
- Continuous measurement and monitoring of hemodynamic parameters, change in pulse volume, oxygen saturation of mixed venous blood and extravascular lung water in a minimally invasive way (PiCCO and VIGILEO technology)
- Insertion of a nasogastric tube for enteral feeding
- Measurement and monitoring of intra-abdominal pressure
It is also possible to measure lactic acid, electrolytes, glucose, hemoglobin, blood hematocrit and blood gas analysis 24 hours a day.
Every day there is a visitor from 12:00 until 12:30 and from 18:30 until 19:00. (change of visiting card due to Covid).